People often ask us why the name zeroplus?

Power in architecture, contrary to what we might imagine, comes not from its presence as an object but from the character of the voids or spaces created as a vessel for life. These vessels supported by the rhythm and logic of the structure are given power by connecting to place, the capturing of light, consideration of time through sequence and the rhythm a spatial experience, activation by its function, material and energy efficiencies and harmony in proportion and scale. We “charge the voids of inhabitation”* through inspiration revealed in elusive and tangible ways beyond specific styles or trends, creating an architecture that is backdrop for the magic of life to unfold.

In addition to our built work, we have collaborated on pre-programming visioning work as well as a series of projects that conceptualize the future architecture and our built environments based upon understanding ecological sustainability and reciprocal maintenance through the lens of the anthropocene.

Joshua Brevoort and Lisa Chun founded zeroplus in 1999. Both studied architecture at the University of Oregon and worked in other firms 10 years prior to starting a practice together.  As partners they work collaboratively from inception to execution. Lisa finds inspiration from her work as a jeweler and fiber artist and Josh in the wild landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. Both are active at the University of Washington, sitting on juried reviews as well as collaborating on research projects. They engage with their neighborhood communities to support a rewarding public realm by working with both public and private entities. They have lectured, been published, and shown their work at number of galleries and institutions.


*Alison and Peter Smithson 1992